The overall objective of the DT.Uni project (2017-2020) is to enhance the level of interdisciplinarity at higher education institutions by using a bottom-up approach, i.e. supporting students, researchers, academics and management staff in developing their ability to think divergently, creatively, designery (according to design thinking approach). The project will enable students to adopt a „designerly” way of thinking and facilitate their shift from passive knowledge consumers to active producers of knowledge.

You can find the project page here: DT.Uni project
DT.Uni’s Output
– Best Interdisciplinarity-Enhancing Practices at Higher Education Institutions (e-Book, 2019)
This e-book presents a state of the art analysis of interdisciplinarity-enhancing practices at higher education institutions. It is a collection of comparable case studies/good practices accessible in the form of a database. It is created in collaboration with all the partners in the DT.Uni project, which made it possible to collect 42 case studies from eight different countries characterised by the presence of interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity and/or the design thinking approach. Download e-book
–Applying Design Thinking. A Workbook for Academics and Researchers in Higher Education.

This book offers practical support for academics and researchers in the application of design thinking by describing many useful techniques. You can download the book here
–Design Thinking: a Practical Guide. A handbook for Managers in Higher Education
This practical guide describes a number of workshops held across Europe to train fellow workers in design thinking techniques and processes. Download the handbook here
A link to an instructional model for design thinking you may find here